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¡Éntrale a la paranoia!

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

BRAVO!!!! ... Campañas chidas de reciclaje

Campañas chidas que demuestran la jodida condición del humano y la relación irrespetuosa con su propio entorno.

Voici le Flashmob organisé par l'équipe de "Testé sur des humains" de TVA.

Toutes les personnes qui ont participé, ont été véhiculées par la STM gratuitement. La STM croyait au projet. Merci.

Vous verrez le "Making of" Lundi le 4 avril à Testé sur des humains sur les ondes des TVA à 21h.


Here's the Flashmob organized by the "Testé sur des humains" team at TVA.
All of the participants received free transportation courtesy of the STM. Thank you to the STM who believed in our project.
You'll be able to see the "making of", Monday April 4th on "Testé sur des humains" on TVA at 9pm.

-Each year, 671 million Kg of plastic are produced around the world.
-Each year, 400 million refundable bottles and cans are not recycled in Quebec.
-There are 18 000 pieces of plastic floating on every Km2 of ocean.
-91% of Quebecers care about the environment. Do you?


the song comes from:
the title is : With the shadows- from Robert Bennett

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