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¡Éntrale a la paranoia!

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

AMAZONAS - Miguel Bosé - Salamandra, 1986

Más del anclaje a los asesinatos atmosféricos de la mente. 1986.


Horses are bridled and waiting,
We ride with the morning light..
.. Misty morning
Tracks of the creatures to follow
The path of exotic life.
.. Danger drawings..

The waters and the crossing await
Us only hours away.
Wish I could take you along amazonas,
to discover the secrets untold..
hesitantly we are sailig..

There're rumors of a sudden attack.
Always ready
Stories of grave misadventure
The darkness stricking back..
Out of nowhere
Four months of deadly leaving
No guarantee we will return

Wish I could take you along amazonas,
to discover the secrets untold

The waters and the crossing await
Us only hours away.
Four months of deadly leaving
No guarantee we will return ...AMAZONAS !!
Voces lamentos tribales
Nostalgia de un cierto mar.. (bonjour bambu)
Manuel abre el sendero
Me dices there's no way back!! (bonjour bambu)
Y conozco estas historias
Que destrozaran mi cuerpo , oh no !

Wish I could take you along amazonas,
to discover the secrets untold, oh !

fiebre y delirio me acechan
laméndome la humedad (bonjour bambu)
Oigo una bestia que aulla
No quiero mirar atràs (bonjour bambu)

Y detesto los excesos
Que castigan miente y nervios, no !

Wish I could take you along amazonas,
to discover the secrets untold, oh !
conozco estas historias
Que destrozaran mi cuerpo
Y detesto los excesos
Que castigan miente y nervios, no !
Wish I could take you along amazonas,
to discover the secrets untold, oh !

Salamandra. 1986.

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