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¡Éntrale a la paranoia!

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011


The "dog spinning" ritual practiced in a southeastern Bulgarian village is misinterpreted by society and the international community, according to Tsarevo Municipality Mayor Petko Arnaudov.

In dog spinning, which is practiced in Brodilovo, a southeastern Bulgarian village, at the beginning of March, a dog is suspended above water on a rope.

The dog is turned repeatedly in a given direction to wind the rope, then released so that it spins rapidly in the opposite direction as the rope unwinds, until the dog falls into the water. The locals claim that the dog is not supposed to be physically hurt.

This ancient ritual of pagan origin is performed in order to prevent rabies and is a part of the traditional Kukeri rituals.

After it was banned by Mayor Arnaudov in February 2006, on Saturday, March 6, the ritual was performed again by Brodilovo.

Dice masomenos que en Bulgaria ejecutan este ritual de perros que los hacen girar con cuerda suspendidos sobre el agua. Se cree que de esta manera se previene la rabia.

3 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

son unos idiotas hacerle eso a un animalito indefenso son unos cobardes , no se dan cuenta q estas torturando a un ser viviente,,, grandes idiotas

Unknown dijo...

son unos idiotas hacerle eso a un animalito indefenso son unos cobardes , no se dan cuenta q estas torturando a un ser viviente,,, grandes idiotas

Unknown dijo...

son unos idiotas hacerle eso a un animalito indefenso son unos cobardes , no se dan cuenta q estas torturando a un ser viviente,,, grandes idiotas

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